Bubble Rock Feature - How to Build

A Bubble Rock Is An Entry-level Water Feature That Is Fast And Easy To Install And Low Maintenance. Bubble Rocks Are The Versatile Feature That Can Fit Into Any Landscape – From Contemporary To Naturalistic!

Installing a Bubble Rock
or Urn Feature

Step #1

Trace the outline of the basin on the ground. Dig a hole the size of your basin. Ensure the ground is level and firm. The basin should never be below soil grade - If it rains, soil runoff could enter your basin.

Step #2

Place basin in the dug-out hole and back fill. Basin should be level and sturdy. Additional block supports can be used to support the top grate if necessary (heavy rock or urn).

Step #3

Place your rock(s) or urn on the basin and ensure they are stable and not blocking the pump access point.

Step #4

Connect pump, tubing and valve to the bubble rock(s) or urn using the access hole in the basin. Test pump pressure and adjust valve to your desired flow. The tubing may require silicone inside the hole to prevent water from seeping back down.

Step #5

Water features are viewed most often at night, which makes lighting them more important. Up-lighting highlights bubbling rocks and urns, allowing the water to shimmer when the sun sets. Water proof spotlights are also easy to install.

Step #6

Finally, fill the basin with water and test the pump and water flow (adjust valve to what you like). Cover the basin using pre-washed decorative stone. Plants can be added beside the rock feature for a natural touch.


Pump Vault
Flexible Tubing
Decorative Stone