Lighting Design Guide

Lighting Design - How to highlight:

Beam Style

Broad Beam                                 Narrow Beam

        Lighting Design

Lighting Design

Lighting Design - Uplighting

The light source is mounted below the accented feature and angled upwards. Broad or narrow lighting can be used. This style of lighting is most often used to highlight trees, the falls in a pond, or an art piece.

Lighting Design - Spotlighting

This style of lighting can be from any angle and focuses on one particular piece whether it be a tree, statue or any focal point that you prefer to draw attention to. A spot light that is more narrow is generally used for spotlighting.

Lighting Design - Downlighting

Downlighting often mimics the light of the moon. Lighting is placed in trees or from a roof line and angled downward. Soft and broad lighting is used most often with downlighting, as there is usually not one particular focal point. 


Lighting Design

Lighting Design - Flood lighting

Floodlighting uses a broad beam light and does not have a specific focal point. Floodlights are used to light up an area – ie. An area of entertaining or the bottom of a pond

Lighting Design - Path lighting

Path lighting often uses standing path light fixtures that provide subtle light and a decorative fixture. Accent spot or flush lights can also be used particularly to light up stairways and driveways. 

Lighting Design - Cross lighting

Cross lighting uses two sources of light from opposite sides of a feature. The light paths cross at the feature to eliminate shadowing and highlighting a 3-dmentional feature. Cross lighting can utilize downlighting or uplighting.
